MedM DeviceKit
MedMDeviceKit.h File Reference
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "AddDeviceCallback.h"
#import "ScannerCallback.h"
#import "DataCallback.h"
#import "DeviceInfo.h"
#import "MedMScanner.h"
#import "MedMDeviceManager.h"
#import "MedMCollector.h"
#import "MedMDeviceKitError.h"
#import "MedMDeviceKitConfig.h"
#import "PostponedAddFilter.h"
#import "DeviceSetting.h"
#import "ErrorCallback.h"
#import "BluetoothState.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  MedMDeviceKit
 Main MedM DeviceKit entry point. More...


FOUNDATION_EXPORT double DeviceSDKVersionNumber
 Project version number for MedMDeviceKit. More...
FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char DeviceSDKVersionString []
 Project version string for MedMDeviceKit. More...

Variable Documentation

◆ DeviceSDKVersionNumber

FOUNDATION_EXPORT double DeviceSDKVersionNumber

Project version number for MedMDeviceKit.

◆ DeviceSDKVersionString

FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char DeviceSDKVersionString[]

Project version string for MedMDeviceKit.